Design Research + Creative Strategy


Research & Design of Entry Experience: Mindworks

As a graduate student, I participated in a collaboration with the University of Chicago to review plans for Mindworks, a one-of-a-kind research lab and interactive exhibit space.

Using the 5E framework to break down the user experience with a human centered design lens, this project focused on ways to help identify areas that may be problematic or undefined.

My role focused on the ENTER experience and our work focused on the research question: How might we best provide visitors with knowledge and permission to engage with the space?

Research Methodology

• Entrance experiences at museums, restaurants, and retail

• Restaurant owners
• Retail store floor associates
• Exhibit/space designers
• Museum directors
• Lab staff

For insight regarding visitor and research comfort interaction

Affinity Diagramming
Synthesized themes

Concept Ideation Based on Research

From our research we developed design principles and concept recommendations for presentation to stakeholders.

Entry spaces need to establish what a visitor should know, do, and feel
1. Compelling outward facing signage attracts visitors to the space and creates curiosity for what might be discovered within. Helps avoid confusion of purpose relative to other local spaces. Immediately informs a visitor of what the space is and why it’s there.

Make the space’s purpose clear and compelling when visitors first arrive
2. On entry, immediate, bold, short messaging describing the main purpose of the space.
3. Active informational displays behind reception or kiosks near reception, providing information on research opportunities. 

Authenticity and transparency are key for interactions with visitors
A clearly identifiable greeter (Research Assistant) who aids the receptionist by immediately assessing visitor needs to direct flow and address inquiries. People are more confident in trying new things if they feel welcomed and comfortable.

The space must anticipate varying levels of interest and engagement
5. QR activated activities or quizzes access in reception area for guests waiting on others. People attend experience in groups, but not all are interested in all experiences. 

Testing & Concept Refinement

Based on feedback from stakeholders, refinement of concepts focused on signage.

This prototype was developed based on A/B testing and interview input.

Mindworks Today

Our research, concept development and testing led to the adoption of inviting sidewalk signage, clear bold messaging in the entrance and a focus on ensuring guest comfort. These solutions contribute to visitor knowledge and help set the stage for engagement with this unique lab and educational space.